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Battery Power Supply  -  114.25EUR
Battery Power Supply

Battery Power Supply. Want a power supply that gets best possible tone out of your pedals? What if the answer is 9V batteries?
Believe it or not, some of the most discerning “tone-conscious” guitarists like Eric Johnson, Scott Henderson, Michael Landau, and Josh Smith (to name a few), all prefer cheap “Dollar Store” variety 9V carbon batteries over a DC power supply because of the sag and “amp-like” quality they impart on overdrive, distortion, fuzz, and wah pedals.

The Battery Power Supply is designed for such “tone-purists” to use in tandem with a primary power supply for high current/voltage pedals, while the Battery Power Supply provides optimized 9V power to your favorite overdrive, distortion, fuzz, and/or wah pedals.

Never again change a battery inside your pedals or disconnect an input jack to preserve battery life. The Battery Power Supply has a dedicated 9V input feed, accepting any external 9V power source that will only “ACTIVATE” the batteries when the input feed is receiving power, and “DISABLE” the batteries when power is disconnected. Plus, a battery can be changed in seconds by turning the single thumbscrew and removing the steel top of the Battery Power Supply.

The features include:
Four (4) Dedicated 9V Battery Outputs
One (1) 9V @ 100mA Input Feed to Preserve Battery Life
Compact Steel Enclosure
Made in the USA
Batteries and Power Cables not included


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