VOP9 adds natural and warm nuance to your guitar sound like that of a good vintage amp. Specially designed circuit reacts precisely to every fingering or picking nuance with minimal compression.
VOP9 combines functions of clean booster and overdrive. With Drive Control level set to minimum, the overdrive circuit works as a -12dB attenuator, and the clean boost circuit as a 6dB booster to create clean and flat boost sound. When turning up the drive level control, signal from overdrive circuit is blended in against clean signal until full overdrive tone is reached at Drive Control maximum level setting.
JRC NJM4558D IC op-amp offers low-noise overdrive sound. The overdrive circuit is the same as OD9, using a diode in op-amp negative feedback loop.
Operating voltage is switchable via an internal DIP switch accessible through the unit’s battery compartment. Improved operation at 18 volt setting eliminates unintentional distortion caused by high-output pickups and active electronics. VOP9 exemplifies its overdrive performance when connecting to tube amp with high dynamic input range.
True Bypass Switching with 4PDT mechanical switch. No tone changes when switching bypass and effect.
Two-way power operation using 9V alkaline battery or optional AC adaptor.
(9V alkaline battery: more than 20 hours at plus/minus 4.5V) Easy-access, tool-free battery compartment.
VOP9 uses a stabilized DC to DC voltage converter to bump 9V (plus and minus 4.5V) up to 18V (plus and minus 9V). Battery voltage drop and fluctuation of AC power do not affect the tone and function. MADE IN JAPAN
The SD-9 was my live pedal for at least five years, but the only thing I didnt like about it was that the really high notes were a bit thin when using single coils. So I switched to an Xotic BB for awhile - it was fatter sounding on the high notes but missing the low bass frequencies of the SD-9.
Now Maxon is making the VOP-9, which for me is the holy grail of distortion pedals. Its got the low bass just like the SD-9, but the mid frequencies are really perfect for single coils. The high notes are extremely fat, but its not woofy when I switch to the neck pickup and it still has the spank and attack of the SD-9. With a humbucker, the VOP-9 is a little woofy sounding, so if you have a humbucking pickup Id go with the SD-9.
Mike Landau plays a lot with a humbucker in the bridge position and hes been using an SD-9 for as long as I can remember. Hes got great tone in his hands and great ears - thats a big part of it, but Id imagine that anyone who heard one of Mikes records and knew he was using an SD-9 would immediately run out and buy one.
I hear a lot of pedals and when you get up to the level of Xotic and Maxon, its all good depending on taste, but for my style of playing I like the VOP-9 and SD-9 the most. Also, even though I dont use it live anymore (only because my pedalboard has to fit in a suitcase) the Maxon OD-9, which is their version of the Tube Screamer, is the best sounding one out there, and Ive compared it to old vintage Ibanez TS-808s and TS-9s, modified and unmodified - no contest. Plus, the Maxon pedals are true bypass. The VOP9 is the holy grail of distortion pedals.