FENDER AMPS AND THE MAGICAL 6 an article by Bjorn Juhl published in Fuzz-magazine #1 2002
It was some time in 1979 when one of the big guys showed me how to dial in that Fender or Music Man amp that always seemed to be on stage where ever you played: Easy he said. Its the magic six. Volume to 6, Treble to 6, Middle to 3 and Bass to 2 (6, 6, and 3x2=6). Bright should be on, reverb set for two and master volume (if one) set so that you can be heard above the drums without drenching the vocals. The rest of the knobs you can just ignore because no one used tremolo in late 70s and the footswitch was always disappeared… The effect was almost like having the key to Holy Grail. I have to admit that he was right and I joined the Magical Six Choir. Bjorn Juhl.
Reminiscent of the mid 60s Blackface Fender era.. Specifically a Blackface Super on 6..
Plug the Super 6 in to a ANY clean amp to nail that mid-60s American amp tone
This unit will turn a small amp into a much larger sounding amp instantly..